
Relicensure & Professional Development

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Continuing Education and Relicensure Committee

Committee Overview:

Purpose and Philosophy 

The Innovative Quality Schools (IQS) Continuing Education and Relicensure Committee (the “Committee”) is a consortium of Minnesota public charter schools and is established according to the Minnesota Board of Teaching rules for the purpose of evaluating continuing education activities, granting appropriate clock hours for those activities, and recommending renewal of five-year continuing or professional teaching and support service licenses. 

The Consortium includes educators employed, formerly employed, retired or under contract with a Minnesota public charter school authorized by Innovative Quality Schools that does not have their own local committee, those contracted to perform services on behalf of the authorizer, Innovative Quality Schools.

The Committee will establish a meeting schedule annually.

FY25 Meeting Dates: Sept. 10, Oct. 8, Dec. 10, Feb. 11, April 8, June 17

Submission Guidelines

Information for Teachers:

Please review the resources below for submitting INDIVIDUAL clock hour submissions or GROUP clock hour submissions (two parts) and reach out if you have any questions!



Find answers to commonly asked questions about teacher licenses, renewals, and the IQS Continuing Education and Relicensure Committee

What requirements do I need to meet to renew my license?

PELSB has the best information about requirements for license renewal. Please visit PELSB's renewal page for the most up-to-date information.

My license expired, is there still a way to renew it?

Some licenses that have expired can still be renewed. Educators with a five year license that expired are likely able to do this, but need to ensure that there are 125 CEUs and all mandated areas have been met. The Committee can still consider such hours for those with an expired license. All other types of licenses should contact PELSB to inquire about available options.

Can the Committee consider urgent approval requests instead of waiting until the next meeting?

The Committee is governed by Bylaws that allow for and outline the process for urgent approvals.  These are only considered in unique circumstances, such as expired licenses or issues related to new-hires.

How do I submit college coursework?

College coursework can be submitted for CEUs.   Each class that you would like the Committee to consider should be entered separately on the Google Form. The conversion from credits to hours is:
1 semester credit = 24 clock hours
1 quarter credit = 16 clock hours

I have CEUs from my previous school that haven't been approved yet, can I submit those?

Yes! So long as the events occurred after your most recent license was issued or renewed, you can submit the hours for consideration. Hours do not need to be earned while at a school in the IQS community in order for the Committee to consider them.  

Is there a fee charged to submit hours or access the IQS Continuing Education Committee?

There are no fees associated with the IQS Continuing Education and Relicensure Committee. Educators within the IQS Community can submit hours for consideration at any time as can schools.

I think the Committee approved everything I need to renew my license, now what? 

Once you have enough hours and have met all of the mandated requirements, you should be eligible to renew your license. You will need to sign into the PELSB online system to renew your license. If you have issues accessing this system, please reach out to PELSB.

I'm short on hours and need to renew my license. What are some options?

While IQS does not endorse any particular vendor, there are several companies who offer online platforms and learning opportunities, including training in Minnesota mandated areas. Some of these include:

-Renew a Teaching License
Teaching Channel
Kognito (free for MN teachers, opportunities related to mental health and suicide prevention)

How can I access the IQS PELSB-approved cultural competency training?

The Cultural Competency Course is an online asynchronous learning opportunity through Google Classroom. IQS does not provide accessing information publicly on our website.  However, school leaders within the IQS network should either have this information or be able to connect you with a member of the IQS team who can share this information with you.

How will I know if my hours are approved by the Committee?

If your hours are approved by the Committee, it takes up to a week to upload hours into the PELSB system.  Once this is done, you will receive an email to share that your submitted hours that have been approved are now uploaded. At this point, you should be able to sign into PELSB's online system to view your clock hours and mandated areas that have been met.

If the Committee does not approve your hours or has questions that require additional information or clarification, you will receive an email notifying you of the hours that have been denied or requests for additional information.

The information and results provided by the resources below do not and are not intended to constitute legal or other professional advice. Instead, all information, content, and materials available through this website and any links provided below are for general informational purposes only.  These resources may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information or be compliant with the requirements of any particular jurisdiction. The IQS Team makes no representation or claim that the resources or the results of using the resources are applicable or appropriate to any particular situation or jurisdiction.